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Kele Nkhereanye

Street Vendor Project
Kelebohile “Kele” Nkhereanye is a food justice advocate who champions access to healthy food in low-income communities and combats health disparities. A native of Lesotho, Southern Africa, Kele’s global lens informs her work with diverse communities. Through interactive workshops and cooking demos, Kele works with corporations, nonprofits, and individuals to teach others how to make easy and healthy adjustments to traditional meals. As a certified nutrition coach, Kele helps clients unpack their history with food and lead a more active lifestyle. As co-owner of Brooklyn Born, a community enrichment food vending service, Kele teaches food entrepreneurship and a path to street vending. With over a decade of experience in food advocacy, Kele believes in providing foods and education that celebrate the diverse cultures in Brooklyn and around the world. Her approach is grounded in fostering connection and creating a sense of community.